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Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Tour(s)
1 Dec. 2011 - 21 Dec. 2011 - 27 June 2013
Page Eight of Ten
The entrance to the blockhouse at Complex 14. The sign notes all the launches controlled by this site.
The rules for the blockhouse in its glory days. The blockhouse has since been converted into a conference center.
A view of the launch platform at Complex 14. The Atlas rocket would be brought horizontally onto the ramp then raised to a vertical position at left.
An aerial view from the top of the blockhouse with a good view of the ramp leading up to the launch pad .
Looking back at the Complex 14 blockhouse. Note the periscopes sticking up through which crews inside could observe the pad.
A view from atop the Complex 14 blockhouse shows more blockhouses to the north leading to the gantry at Complex 37, an active Delta rocket launch pad.
The launch stand is all that remains at Complex 34 used to launch Saturn I and IB rockets.
The site is most famous as being the location of the Apollo 1 fire that killed Gus Grissom, Edward White, and Roger Chaffee during a ground test of the Apollo 1 capsule while it was atop its Saturn I launch vehicle on 27 January 1967.

The pad would later successfully support the first manned Apollo launch, Apollo 7, on 11 October 1968.

The opening in the top of the launch stand channeled the rocket exhaust out and away from the rocket using the nearby flame deflectors.

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